my lizard doesn’t eat enough, unless its superworms. Then he eats them way too much.
So cuuuuute
I have one that I can barely get to eat, and one who would 5 cans of food a day if I okayed it.
why do you have a picture of my old foster cat Midget?
anyway…I have three dogs that are mine, one is a healthy 60 pounds and should be (the rescue) the white one in the picture on my post weighs only 50 and should weigh 75-85…we are not sure why he is so thin even the vet is stumped, but he has always been ike this and he eats 6 cups of food a day and its the high quality Taste of the Wild that he eats (look the stuff up its amazing!) The black and tan one in the picture is his Sister, she is 7 now and has started getting thin and has issues with her hips already…its hard to talk about cause the vet says if she keeps deteriorating the way she is she will only make it to 10 if I am lucky. and she turns 8 in June…very depressing…she is resting her head on my lap and eating pringles out of my hand right now actually…
don’t worry i always over fed my cat and dog…!?!
it is best not too…though
take care