I think I'll live until 400 years old

Then Iā€™ll be so wise theyā€™ll announce me some kind of prophetšŸ˜. Iā€™m 25 but look 14 although you may guess Iā€™m 18+ by the way I carry myself. I think I look younger each year maybe Iā€™ve reversed or halted the aging process and Iā€™ll live until 400 which will enable me to become a prophetšŸ˜

I have doubts about this but this is my new prophet delusion.

Iā€™m very enlightened for my age I donā€™t strive for anything, Iā€™m content and happy but I still, these thoughts donā€™t escape me ever


We are full of prophets here! And jesuses. We should make a band.

That said, itā€™s a common delusion, you know this. What do you have to ā€œpropheticizeā€ about?


Yeah thatā€™s how I defeated the delusions in the past but I always come up with new ways to believe Iā€™m special. I think just learning to live right and give tips on healthy lifestyles from experience is the way someone could be most helpful. I try to take it day by day anyways so I donā€™t think Iā€™m killing myself with delusions like I did in the past. Jesus isnā€™t gonna save the Muslims if he comes back and says heā€™s the chosen one, and Muhammad wonā€™t save the Christians. Iā€™d prefer to be a Buddha like figure. Iā€™m only HALF joking BTW

I donā€™t think the prophet had preferences for religions, itā€™s the other way around. Theyā€™re not racist. lol

Whatā€™s your prophecy? I failed at my prophecies, miserabily, none was right. Shoo delusion, they went away.

Iā€™m dealing with the god one still, still lingers.

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Consider me in your band. :sunglasses:


Only time will tell I guess, right @Minnii :laughing:

When I say I am very enlightened for my age Iā€™m not saying that as proof Iā€™m a prophetā€¦im just saying I could give two shits if I die at 77 or am a Buddha. I just wanna live and be happy, but if it turned out I am a Buddha itā€™d be gods will. It doesnā€™t consume me but I have those thoughts. It used to run my life when I had an episode every time I stopped my meds

ā– ā– ā– ā–  yeah! Letā€™s start a band!

If you look 14 and get younger every year, then you only have 14 years left to live :0

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Iā€™m not racist or anything like that. No preference towards anything but kindness Iā€™m just saying thereā€™s not prophet Jesus gonna come back save the world. Christians believe in jesus, Muslims believe Muhammad was the final messenger. Canā€™t please both.

Take care

I like @MisterWafflesā€™s theory about that age thing.

You have to study buddhaā€™s history to know for sure, and Iā€™m sure your mind will make connections to prove that you indeed are him. Or them. Or whatever the belief is.

Iā€™m not saying youā€™re racist, religions are a bit, in my opinion. A bit, not a lot, but just enough for the thoughts to linger there.

Iā€™m too tired today, not making myself clear enough Iā€™m sorry.

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Iā€™m also 25 and have had the ā€œI thought you were a lot younger!ā€ etcā€¦ etcā€¦ etcā€¦ It gets old, but apparently we donā€™t! :o


Iā€™m 65 and could pass for 53!



Iā€™m 20 and could pass for 25, hopefully this trend wonā€™t continue T_T

I can say Iā€™m excited to grow old get old and be young. Everything life throws at me Iā€™m excited for 80% of the time. Nothing Iā€™ve ever sAid before. Iā€™ve said I wanna be old and die but now Iā€™m excited to watch the world change, grow, learn, etcā€¦ Life is filled with fruition for me now!


I just want to live long enough to see a cure for sz.


Iā€™d prefer to a Buddha too

Theyā€™re developing a technology that will halt the aging process and enable people to live 250-300 years, in the same state of development as a 25 year old. People will probably live even longer than that because technology will continue to develop during their extended lifetimes. I would have mixed feelings about living that long, though. Maybe if I was really into some type of work I would want to, but 300 years of doing nothing; no thanks.


i honestly feel 60 years is too long


300 years of schizophrenia seems like torture. Aubrey de grey seems to be working on reversing aging. Only guy I know of. Problem would be that most people would want it. I see over population as an issue. I could see it limited to the wealthy or even restricted or banned. I wonder if they would have restrictions on children. Interesting stuff.

Yeah, it would be wonderful if we had other planets to colonize. That would be the most effective use