I think I need an antidepressant instead of a mood stabilzer

I have been fluctuating in and out of depression. But don’t feel like I have any form of mania. So I think my psychiatrist is wrong and I don’t need a mood stabilizer.

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I’m sorry you don’t feel like your medicine is right. Sometimes though we can be manic and not have any insight about it. It’s sometimes a good idea to listen to our doctors and even our loved ones when they are giving us feed back on how they think we’re doing. We sometimes shouldn’t be steering this ship. Just a thought.


Agree with @Leaf, ultimately your input is important don’t get me wrong, but from personal experience I was manic for almost a year straight, and I didn’t realize it until after I was stabilized. I thought I was more normal than everybody else at my partial program when looking back I realize that everybody felt sorry for me because I was on another planet cuz I was so high.

Have you tried asking your pdoc about why they think ur bipolar? Maybe ask for some manic symptoms you were displaying for them to give u a mood stabilizer. I understand how frustrating it is though, I’m currently not on the same page with my pdoc regarding what my symptoms are, and while it’s important to acknowledge that we might not have the full picture while dealing with this and that we could be wrong, at the same time the pdoc doesn’t know us completely and they can definitely be wrong too.

Don’t want to seem like I’m doubting you, just saying it’s hard when we don’t know to what degree our illnesses cloud our judgement :frowning:

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Never had a chance to ask why I am schizoaffective because it was a partial hospitalization program. I know I cycle in and out of depression but I feel fine when I’m not depressed just psychosis and no mania so I am really confused.

Damn yeah I’d definitely bring it up to ur psychiatrist, idk just an idea but maybe the psychosis made you do things that made it appear like u were manic? Perhaps psychosis told u to do things that appear impulsive or strange

Mirtazapine/Remeron is a great atypical anti depressant to try for depression and even psychosis.