I think I just had a brain zap

My head felt like it was fading out. What is a brain zap? Is that it?

Hi, this is my first post.

When I have them, they don’t feel like what you describe (though I’ve felt things like that, too.). To me, brain zaps feel like a very strong electric shock going through my head. If you’ve ever touched an outlet or a live wire before, like that but in my brain. I perceive them as being very loud, and they leave behind a feeling like they should have hurt, though when I think about it, there isn’t any actual pain. I find myself believing they hurt anyway.

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Mine felt like my brain was evaporating and I had to shake myself out of it.

I have something that seems similar to what you’re talking about, too - for me it’s like my brain is kind of flattening out and stretching away, like it’s getting more like a spiral galaxy than a brain. Everything goes kind of muffled and faded. Then it’s like my brain snaps back into shape, but it seems to happen on its own rather than me making it happen like you describe. This always seems like a perception thing to me when it happens, while the brain zap feels like something physically happened in my brain.

Yea mine feels like it shutting down for a sec.

Apparently it’s something else then. Probably more short circuiting going on up there :scream_cat:

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