I think I am moving out this September

This senior living community I live at makes it impossible to turn a buck. I tried giving piano lessons here and the management here wouldn’t allow it. I tried giving computer usage lessons and the management wouldn’t allow that. I tried selling Avon door to door and the management wouldn’t allow that either. But, they can sure raise your rent 5% every year like clockwork. And at these rental prices, that amounts to a whole heck of a lot. And I can’t afford it. The other people who live here may be rich, or have rich children but I do not. I’m by myself and it’s all up to me. My rental agreement is up in September so I think I will move out then. Just about everywhere is cheaper than here.


whew, moving can take it out of you…try not to stress too much about the details…I wish I could move to cheaper rent but I only pay $400 a month right now. for a two bedroom one bath.

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I really don’t know how you can get cheaper than that, $400 a month.

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The very lowest you can get in my area is about $450.

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yeah and low rent in big cities usually mean bad areas to live in like when I lived in Phoenix…you had to stay away from gang neighborhoods.

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@SkinnyMe. You have plenty of time to evaluate other living situations between now and when your lease is up. Just take your time and weigh the pros and cons before you make a final decision.

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Yeah, I’m looking around on the internet now. I have about two places in mind right now. One is convenient to the art world of my town, which is downtown, and the other is very, very close to a grocery store and a church of my denomination. I’m tempted to go for the downtown location because I can always get groceries online and go to the church that is downtown. I don’t own a car, so, I don’t have to worry about parking. City buses are widespread downtown, that’s another thing.


I read the reviews on the downtown apartment and though everyone said it was in a great location, the management there is very, very bad and will make your life a pure hell. So, I’m staying away from that one. Glad I found that out before I put down my deposit and fees. Whew! Now, I’m thinking about the one in midtown, not far from my rental property. I have a dear friend who lives there too and loves it there.

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