Risperidone, Clonazepam, Claritin, Lisinopril, Glucotrol, Flomax, Prilosec, Meloxicam, Magnesium Oxide. I’m just taking vitamin pills, and if I need it Tylenol for pain - arthritis. I have had severe, chronic nasal congestion that keeps me awake. Only Sudafed helps, but I’m not supposed to take it for more than five days. I’ve been taking it just about every night.
After stopping my meds, the nasal congestion went away and also the stiff, sore muscles, excessive thirst, dryness, and peeing. I actually feel good, and I feel alert and want get out of bed and do things.
According to the Royal College of Psychiatrists, it takes 3 to 6 months for symptoms of schizophrenia to come back after stopping an antipsychotic. I’ll see my nurse practitioner in December, so I think I’ll continue not taking my meds until then unless something happens.
I think if you’d like to try going off your psych meds, you should first go to your dr and work out a plan together that’s done with the supervision of the psychiatrist.
Why would you stop all your meds? Not al people take so long to relapse! For instance I begin having symptoms right away. Sooner or later yoursymptoms will come back and you may not have insight to restart them.
I have a thyroid disfunction. If I stopped taking my meds I would die. Maybe I wouldn’t die right away but it would still happen. A mental illness is an illness that effects your brain and you lose control of your mental abilities. I get that you feel fine right, but I don’t think you will feel in control in a few weeks. Mental illnesses are chronic and constantly in need of treatment. I’m sorry to tell you this. I have struggled with wanting to be healed but it’s never going to happen. Your mental health is just as important as the physical need to care for your body. Take care of yourself.
If you are feeling suicidal, please tell someone — a friend or family member, a teacher, a doctor or therapist or call 911 (if you’re in the U.S.) or the Emergency Medical Services phone number in your country.
You can also call a suicide prevention hotline—these are available in the U.S. and in many other countries.
That’s a lot of meds. You should be tapering off with a doc’s help, if you’re really fixated on stopping. Ideally though you would remain on some level of antipsychotic.
I’ve tried going off antipsychotics a few times, and each time I have a resurgence of voices, and each time I gain a little more appreciation for those lovely little antipsychotic pills.
Right now I’m on 2 mg Rexulti, and the only noticeable side effect I have is it’s somewhat hard to breathe through my nose.
You could also consider Amyloban 3399, a supplement that has helped a half dozen people on this forum further stabilize their schizophrenia (on top of taking antipsychotics). I used to take it, but I ran out. It was good while it lasted, made the voices so quiet.
i think you should be even more worried about clonazepam withdrawal than sz symptoms come back, withdrawal from benzos can make you more psychotic than sz even, in addition to possible seizures and death among many other things you need to keep taking your meds, all of them, dont change anything with your meds unless your being told to by a doctor, its no joke if your on that many meds its for a reason and you run alot of risk stopping even 1 of them without talking to a doc so stopping all at once is like asking for problems
Then take a nasal decongestant, don’t quit all your meds. WalMart has plain nasal decongestant for less than a dollar that works very well. I take it and can breathe just fine even with a bad sinus day. Please take your meds, you don’t know when withdrawals will hit or how bad.
Okay, but just because it’s listed doesn’t mean they’re all causing it. Maybe talk to your doctor about a few week trial of going off each individually to see which one is messing with you.
But do it under doctor supervision so toy can call if anything weird happens and they know what’s going on. Maybe they know of a different need you can try without even having to do the trial.