I smell bad?

I try to go to the gym a couple of times a week. Thing is, I am convinced that I smell really bad. I shower both before and after the gym and change clothes frequently. I can feel the smell myself every now and then.

I feel like farts leak out of me without me knowing. I am afraid that the people who work at the gym will say that I smell bad and that I am not welcome there. That will happen the next time I go there, which will be tomorrow.

My psychologist says it is delusional. Anyone else experienced anything simular?


It’s pretty common. It’s a delusion


Some guys forget to wear deodorant when they go to the gym and it smells like they are carrying hazardous waste. I’ve never noticed a lady who smelled bad.


@Om_Sadasiva Maybe it is a delusion. But I can feel the smell myself, and have heard people talk about it. Which could be hallucinations I guess…

@TheBest I am the exception.


Yes, delusions fuel hallucinations and vice versa


Trust me if you wear fresh clothes, deodorant, and shower you have nothing to worry about


@Om_Sadasiva yes. They really do.

@TheBest true. Except for farts. Especially the ones that you dont notice other than for the smell.

How do you not notice you making them?

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@anon39015889 I dont know. I have heard that you only notice some farts.

Btw, cant believe I’m talking about this.

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I used to have a smell before I started using body cleansing towelettes, deodorants, body sprays

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@bluerose yeah, I try to use stuff like that and I shower alot. Still smell like farts.

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We’ll see tomorrow if I am right or wrong I guess. I feel afraid and hope it is a delusion.

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Do you have olfactory hallucinations? I smell weird things when I cannot know where it is coming from.
It usually feeds my delusion, leading me to believe that I smell bad or everyone is spying on me.

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@anon10648258 my case manager, pdoc and psychologist think that I do have olfactory hallucinations.

Sounds horrible. They feed my delusions too.

I hope you are feeling better! They are certainly awful. Terribly awful.
I have all kinds of hallucinations, except taste. I just find it extremely hard when new ones appear and start to bother me and haunt me.
May I ask when did this start?

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Thank you, I hope you feel better too! They really are terrible.

I have mostly auditory and olfactory hallucinations. I hate new ones too.

It started becoming an issue three years ago or so. Before that it kind of came and went for a really long time. I would hear people commenting on my smell, but I didnt care. It is mostly at the gym.

When did yours start?

I have this same delusion, it’s very stubborn. I still kinda think it’s a thing sometimes, especially when i hear people sneeze cough or gag around me. I will automatically think they’re reacting to me.

But every doctor I’ve gone to has denied there’s a problem. So Maybe there’s somethinig to that.

Only difference with me, I don’t smell myself. I figured I had olfactory fatigue so I couldn’t pick up ona persistent odor.

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It certainly is stubborn. And the fact that it is difficult to smell yourself only makes it worse.

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Haha! That is spot on @firemonkey!

Still feel like I do smell though.