I smell bad?

I don’t shower frequently but I don’t have bo and I use body spray cologne and deodorant.

I smell like a bouquet of flowers! :blush:


I guess some people just dont smell.

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Yeah I can go a week without showering and still be fresh! No deodorant needed either

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I’m not experiencing that but if you’re bathing and scrubbing your pits you most likely don’t stink. I think it’s a delusion. Oh, by the way, most people smell at the gym because if they’re getting in a good workout, then they’re sweating a lot. So don’t worry


My first auditory ones started with visual ones when I was only 14.
Tactile hallucinations started at roughly 16
And the olfactory ones…probably 2 years ago.
I also developed closed-eye hallucinations as well recently, and I can’t sleep because of it.
I’m bit of an early case- I was diagnosed when I was just 17.

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@LilyoftheValley I do bathe and scrub. And I really do hope it is just a delusion.

Yeah, it is a sweaty place.

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@anon10648258 those sound like they would all be awful. I had auditory hallucinations pretty early aswell. I am sorry you cant sleep.

I will try to take in that it is probably an olfactory reference syndrome.

You probably don’t smell bad either @Milea

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I hope not. Thank you.

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See? So no worries! You’re fine and you don’t smell :slight_smile:


Mr. Star feels this way frequently. He doesn’t actually smell, though. He just is overly sensitive to it. He can’t actually smell anything, because he had an accident with chlorine gas when he was a kid, but he still smells himself sometimes. He showers twice a day and never actually stinks.

He doesn’t have schizophrenia, he just grew up in a really dirty house and is hyper-sensitive to the idea of being the smelly kid in class.


I was at the gym today, no one told me to leave because I smell. Maybe it is a delusion. If it is, that would be great.

I am sad that so many others suffer from simular things, but at the same time it helps and makes me think that it is probably just in my mind.

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That’s a hard false belief to have.


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Yes, it is.


If you know its a delusion, thus accept that its a delusion, funny how it suddenly goes away, at least that is how it is in my case.

Back when I was at work in an electronics engineering department, there was one guy who did not believe in washing, showering, bathing, etc, due to his religion, and so the guy had such a strong odor that we could tell if he had come in for work that day without even looking. He ended up with scabs on his face along with bacterial growths clung to his beard.

Eventually, the chief of the engineering department said, clean yourself up, or you are out of a job.

He did as he was told and I bet he felt fantastic after finally having a good cleaning in God knows how long.

The eye hallucinations, are they like flashing lights? Cause I get that, and it is really anoying.

Yeah, I hope it goes away.

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