Let’s leave the youngins confused. Here are a few:

I’m down! GenX unite! (Everyone just forgets about us…)
Now, of course, when put on the spot, I can’t think of anything.
I remember all three vividly. max headroom stuttering, the bears with the fridge, and is that Atari? Pitfall, anyone?
I was at the tail end of GenX, born in 1978. I think the Millennials begin in 1980.
My first computer. The Commodore 64…
Yeah, I had a commodore 64 as well. Before that it was Vic20 I believe, which we also had.
Okay. How about this.
I remember that! I sucked at video games, though, so they were never my thing.
My cousin had that.
I remember when the wheel got invented.
That is deranged.
I wish I was older. Man if I was older, I would be the president of the United States.
I had this, and a whole mess of other Barbie stuff. I wish my mom had saved it – would probably be worth a fortune.