I said no!

On the month that marked my two years of being clean, I was offered weed.
… And I said no!
It’s the first time someone has offered me any since I stopped doing it, and I feel really proud that I said ‘no’ as easily as I did.
I was a little scared that they’d think I was boring or something, but who cares.
I’d rather be boring than psychotic or addicted again.
(I am NOT saying weed makes everyone psychotic nor addicted, but it does uncontrollably bad things to MY brain)

I am so proud, I just needed to share it with someone, anyone, and I haven’t had the balls to tell anyone IRL.
So… Yay me? :smile:


Hooray hooray!! Good job, keep it up!


You should be proud of yourself. You have to do the right thing for you, and good people respect that.

Great job :thumbsup:


Yes, you did the right thing. Dare to be different. Don’t just follow the crowd. Keep it up, Berru!

Say no to weed, but say yes to “Stegt flæsk”! :smile:

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Congrats man that is great

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That is really cool! Well done!


Very Good!
Congrats @Berru! :slight_smile:


I never smoked much growing up as a youth…mostly some mild hash. Today’s weed and cigarettes are much more potent then when I grew up, though. I can see it messing up a lot of younger people’s lives.

Congrats on ‘saying no’, @Berru! :sunny:


Yeah skunk is far too strong now I reckon.


Whats strong is Shatter

Well done Berru!


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That’s awesome news!!!

I’m sticking this in health and recovery!


@Berru that’s really good…I have stopped buying weed but would probably still do it if offered…good for you !!


Thanks for all your positive feedback! :smile:


I’ll pass my plate for Stegt Flæsk…mmmmmm.

Yay for you @Berru!
Double YAY!


I hope you don’t take this the wrong way. Many alcoholics or addicts as they recover will deliberately go around drugs or to bars to either show that they don’t need alcohol or just to test their sobriety by going there multiple times. AA says this is a bad idea. I’m not saying this is what you are doing. I’m just throwing this out there as a fact. When you are recovering from addiction or alcoholism, if you hang around people using or drinking a lot it will chip away at your sobriety. If you do it a lot it will chip away at your resolve to stay clean.

If you do it enough you just might pick up that drink or pipe in a moment of weakness and it may start relapse that you may never recover from. I’m just writing this so it may help a recovering addict or alcoholic who does this behaviour without knowing about the risk. It’ mostly common sense, but it doesn’t hurt to be reminded.


Thank you.
I tend to stay away from people who do weed, because I fear I’m still weak.
The event took me by surprise, and I’ll make sure to stay away from those people in the future. I don’t want to be stoned, and I don’t want to be around stoned people.



Smoked like a trooper from 23 to 29 after a depressive break till it bit me on the ass when I went psychotic at 29.

If your schizophrenic then smoking weed is poison. Yeah you can be emotionally addicted to the shite but it’s not hard to say no when you get there.

I’ve a friend who still smokes. When I visit him I check out his stuff and smell it …say it’s good and all and drink beers.

You know it’s bad for you just human up to it and just say no. Weed is almost legal in most American states…you need to be strong for that. It’ll be legal soon.

A friend in the struggle,



Before I was dignoced when I lived in Michigan I smooked weed and things went exstrmelly bad.

I totally get this and relate to it a lot. I just wish I could implement it in my life. I don’t have the strength to distance myself from the majority of my friends (who smoke weed and drink) because it’s simply a very hard thing to change in your life.