I run on adrenalin

I got a lot of sleep yesterday, and all the adrenalin left my system. I had a hard time getting any energy to make it through the day. I guess it is not a bad way to go through the day, just drifting, half asleep, but it’s more fun to have adrenalin. The adrenalin does make me uncomfortable at times. I just had a saucepan full of green tea, and that picked me up a bit. I don’t know why.

do you have sza?

Yes. That is my diagnosis. I’m also dx’ed with two or three personality disorders.

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I was wondering because I have sleep disturbances and a problem with adrenalin sometimes too and I’m sza also bipolar type. I was wondering if maybe you were a little manic yesterday.

Yes. I had only slept two hours the night before, and I was pretty manic. That situation can be fun, but it is also uncomfortable and bothersome to me. I’m trying to get up a little because I was wanting to workout today. It won’t be anything spectacular, but it probably will improve my health.

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True, a little mania can be great. And a workout sounds great too. I think I’ll motivate to take a walk today, or at least go on the treadmill.

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