I remain stable 7 months after quitting medication. Am I cured?

I’ve managed to compartamentalise my unusual beliefs, my mood is good, my negative and cognitive symptoms are in frank retreat. Am I out of the woods?


Honestly you keep working at it. It’s really a work in progress for most people here. You just learn what works for you and it’s important to learn your symptom set. Keep an eye out for triggers and what makes problems for you and listen to advice you get from the medical peeps if they are any good.

If your multi episodic then chances are your coming back here and meds are a necessity. Just how it works but it’s not uncommon to move away from first episode psychosis at least…Not sure the percentage on multiple but it would be pretty slim.


They say 5% who have been cosistantly medicated manage to quit at some point. Working out triggers are key to both get off meds and stay off meds.

For most of us it will never be possible to quit, but I’m happy for you. Hope you stay strong.


yeah just keep doing what you have to do, if you need something later on then don’t be afraid to ask for some help, lets hope that isn’t the case though.


Wow! That’s very impressive. However, stay vigilant, the symptoms could surrupticiously sneak their way back into your life, and you don’t want to be caught unaware.



I’ve seen your posts over the last few months.

You’re still crackers.


It can take even years for symptoms to come back.


No mean time to relapse is a year,I have seen your post history,does not look very well to me

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Those hats weren’t going to make themselves. I don’t know what got into me when I made them hats.


No, it’s not over. It never ends


Unless I was misdiagnosed in the first place

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I’ve been good up to five years off meds.

You feel like you’re flying, but you’re really just falling to a crash.


That’s a bit gloomy. And by the way, I didn’t know you were off meds. That’s great.

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I know it’s a bit gloomy, but it’s been a fact of my life.

And I’m not off meds, I’m just on a low dose.

I WAS off meds for five years.

During that time I got married and had a baby.

Good times.




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I was stable for eight months after stopping medication and later had breakdown again and had to go back to my medication


Thanks for sharing.

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How long did you take meds for before going off meds?

In my opinion I think it is possible to recover and no longer need meds IN CERTAIN SITUATIONS of mental illness. For example with psychosis, if the psychosis was drug induced. If the person gets clean before damaging their brain beyond repair, I think you can save yourself from a lifetime of meds and hospitalizations that way.

I think that if you have had psychosis your whole life or for many many years that it may perhaps decrease in severity as you age but I don’t think its possible for it to just go away. You may create an environment for yourself in which there are minimal triggers or be in a certain good spot in life where there are minimal triggers.

Idk these are just my thoughts. Like for me I really don’t think I will ever be able to go off meds. But even when I was off meds I did have good periods of time-sometimes even months at a time-where my symptoms were minimal and I thought I no longer had issues. Then life would get stressful again and I’d be back to square one.


It took about six months of being off my Prolixin shot before I hallucinated again. After that it was pretty wild.

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