I have no idea what. I’m not very craftsy. I don’t have a big budget. I don’t want to take a class…just something on YouTube. I wouldn’t mind taking a writing course. I’d like something I could do while some show is on in the background.
i want to take up leather craft again…making wallets and belts that sort of thing…they give you patterns to follow and you bang them in with tools…easy and satisfying…
That sounds fun
Buy an acoustic guitar and learn some easy songs and chords.
There’s a ton of videos on youtube.com on how to play.
Take up something sporty if you always work sitting down,if your a delivery or salesman,take up computer designing or gaming
Knitting is relaxing once you get the hang of it
I have a classical guitar. Haven’t played the last few years
Colour book, puzzles Have you tried that?
Collecting can be a hobby,it can be frustrating if your family doesn’t support it,I have got many UK football shirt in my house

Got a smart phone? They have good enough cameras these days that you can do high quality photography with them. Photography is a great hobby and can be inexpensive.
What’s the difference btwn an iPhone and a smart phone? I have an iPhone
IPhone is just the brand name of a type of smartphone
Oh. Ok. Thanks. Well I think it’s an iPhone anyway
You paid twice as much as you needed to for the same functionality as an Android device would have.
iPhone is a luxury here in Asia especially for young adults and teenager.After 30s,people chase other stuff
Who’s your carrier. I’m paying $74 a month for Verizon. They’re too expensive. I want to keep my number though. I’ve had the same number for like 12 years.