I realize ending my life is not worth it

If you have thoughts of suicide talk to a proffesional. Life is not worth ending it. people care about you, you will effect others if you do. Life is very precious you have to realize that. Ending your life is a selfish act. Dont do it. Think twice. I went to this site, it help me. I hope it will help you.


have you ever read the rules on here.

you’re basically not allowed to say you’re gonna kill yourself
cuz it upsets too many in the community, and the community
are not trained to handle it properly.

well, I guess I’ll have to go along with that if I want to be here.

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I got yea, i understand.

no, that’s wasn’t a criticism against you.

I was just reading them the other night.

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If your having serious suicidal thoughts then immediately go to the ER @oe1489.

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Its alright, even it was against i understand.

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You were so happy seeming only yesterday… do you know about highs and lows, ups and downs?

I’m not big on the categorizations or as knowledgeable as others but maybe schizoaffectiive is something you could research if you haven’t already?

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No im good now, i talk to a professional and counselor. I appreciate your concern though.


Maybe im bipolar.

Well the sugar consumption explains it away a bit…

Still maybe if you have time look into what schizo-affective is all about?

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no i dont think im schizo affective im a paraniod schizophrenia.

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Oh okay… so am I.

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I’m glad you talked to them and that it helped you


I attempted suicide once but I would never try that again no matter how bad my life got! My life’s pretty good now


Feeling good now, just finish my workout.


I had a heck of a time getting through my exercise today. I’m so tired. Tomorrow is a new day though


What if one is a really bad criminal. They have committed horrible astrosties against others. Would it be acceptable for them to commit sucide?

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