I ordered my Christmas cards

They will be here next week. I decided to go with Peanuts. Can’t go wrong with them. I also ordered a jigsaw puzzle, I’m kinda in the mood to do one.


Good idea, will buy those tomorrow!

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You’re on it!! Good for you :). I was just thinking I need to get started on Christmas

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And they are nice.

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@anon42728068 and @LilyoftheValley Amazon has a wide variety if you’re going to get them online. RiteAid is great if you’re going to go in person.


I love these!!

I was just thinking I might do Christmas cards this year. I don’t usually, but after my dad died, I had the thought that I wanted to keep in touch with the rest of his family, who I’m not close with. It might be a good start.

My dad interviewed Charles Schultz for the student radio when he was in college. He told me about it a few months before he passed away.

Now that I’m thinking about it, maybe I’ll steal your idea and do Peanuts cards. You really can’t go wrong. :christmas_tree:


Amazon had a few to choose from too. They had a cute small one with Snoopy all decorated with Christmas lights laying on his dog house I almost got, pretty darn cute, but I needed the bigger card to write my letter on.

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Thanks for the tip!

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You’re welcome @LilyoftheValley

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I’ve been looking for pretty jigsaw puzzles too. Damn virus.

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I got one that’s a bunch of decorated donuts of all different colors. 300 pieces. It’s going to be easy just the way I like it. I’m excited.


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