I will have to have shoulder surgery again. I had one six months ago. I’m very discouraged. Plus I have a partial blockage and ulcers in my stomach due to my meloxicam. Now I’m off it so my arthritis is hitting me big time. I’m back on the cane. I can’t get a scope now unless I start throwing up blood. I will have to wait until the pandemic is over. I really need some peace. I’m on steroids and feeling really depressed.
I am so sorry you are going through this. You really deserve a break.
Try to take it easy. One day at a time.
Hugs to you.
Try and rest and take things easy.
I’m sure you’ll be okay.
I am sending you all the love and support I have. It really sucks that so much is happening to you.
That sucks oolala…i Hope things get better. were all sorta in this together. This virus thats been going on has been making some things worse for all of us. Dont feel your alone though…i dont think we talked much but ive noticed a post or two you’ve made. Watch some comedy or something that makes you smile. It can help…
Big hugs! I hope things get easier and you can get well. Things aren’t easy right now but hold on the best you can and things will get better one day soon.
I’m so sorry to hear all that you need to go through lately. Sending ((hugs)). Hang in there!!
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