So as most of you know i’ve been taking barber online classes. I’ve been trying to stay positive about it but it’s getting extremely difficult. I haven’t passed not 1 final exam and I’ve had 4 final exam and all have been failing grades. I’m struggling now more than ever. And I’m afraid that I might be dropped from the college because of my grades. I feel like I should put a pause on it until my head is straight and I’m ready to tackle this better. But then I’m worried about everyone saying that I just quit like always and that I’m failing at it like I do everything else.
To make matters worse I really wanna talk about it with someone but have no one to talk to about it.
How about getting a tutor? Maybe they’ll supply one or give you an idea of where you could find one. Maybe set up a phone appointment with the teacher and tell her you’re having problems and ask him/her for advice on what you can do to improve your grades. See if she has any suggestions on how to get your grades up or what you can do to pass the class/s. Do they have counselors at this barber school who you can meet with and maybe they could give you tips on being successful in your classes?
I take online classes at a really good community college. They’re ranked number one in California for their online classes program. I discovered the teachers really want to help the students to succeed and do their best to help. They are very proactive in helping students and will give each student their time to help a student succeed. Your teachers might be the same way.
I have contacted admin/counselor and most of the time he says he can’t help me or that there’s nothing he can do. My professors don’t really help with one on one needs. I ask for help and they just shake it off by saying “you can do it just keep at it”… I’ve always struggled in school since I was a kid. Especially when it came to comprehending what I read. If I can’t imagine it then I don’t understand it. My 6th grade teacher kept pushing for me to get tested for special help but all the administrators saw where a troubled Hispanic poor kid that would never make it in life so they never took the time to help me. I honestly wasn’t suppose to graduate high school. My GPA was 1.29 and I was ranked 927 out of 1,034 kids in my class of high school.
I always had problems with study from mid teens. I was promising early in junior but I it all went to shite during my senior. I got to uni and failed that miserably. With that in mind. I wasn’t diagnosed yet. I had issues with paranoia and didn’t even know that was the problem. I also had a depressive break that made me leave uni. I got back in but that really didn’t help…
It’s not a bad thing to stop. Get stronger mentally and move from there. I know that is hard to do. You have these plans and that is good but taking the time to get meds right can help too. If your not on welfare what about a shitty job? I always found simple repetitive work to be beneficial. Pays ok with some jobs and probably not the time nor place with this complex world at the moment…
Thanks @rogueone does feel better that I’m not the only one that has struggled in school. I can’t get a job right now not just because of the pandemic but also cause I’m in the process of getting disability
I’d say get on disability is a good thing. Lets you get your headspace right…It’s not the best but you can live pretty good with family support over here…I live a great life. It’s a little different to most but I enjoy myself…that is important. Find something to make you happy…then do it… Usually those things don’t really get paid in dollars anyways. I enjoy helping out my cricket club…I mow oval. It’s boring as bat shite but I do a good job and gets me out of the house…Moving sideways you can find your little niche.
I don’t see how getting a barber’s license can be accomplished remotely. Don’t you need hands-on experience? Like holding a real pair of scissors or a razor? Just asking.
I know a couple of guys who couldn’t add 2 +5 in the fifth grade but they kept at it and now they do construction work which pays pretty well. It can be done. But as @rogueone said, getting your sz symptoms under control comes first.
Try not to put too high expectations on yourself. I went to college (part time) and I flunked classes too. I quit after like a year and a half. I’m still doing fine.
@TomCat i write pretty well, I write poetry and some stories. But since I was a kid I realized that if I couldn’t imagine what I read then I have difficulty understanding