I need advice, please

I was accused of taking half of a bottles worth of vicodin by the gal who takes me places. Her logic is that I was the only one left alone in her home. So, she says I did it.

Wtf? How can I prove that I didn’t?

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Realistically you probably can’t but it’s one of those things. Can you replace it? I know it’s not your fault but just smooth it over and put some safeguards in place so you don’t go through it again.

Meds and drugs do strange things to people. Pain meds especially if they are addicted/use regularly.

You probably can’t prove it but that shouldn’t be your job! Sympathy for that!

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Thanks, hon. I’m going to disappear from her life. Heck, if I took a vicodin along with my other meds, I would probably overdose. I don’t drink alcohol for the same reason.

I quit smoking, but I suddenly want one… not an option!

Maybe there is still Vicodin still in your system. Can you get a blood test? Check to see if there is Vicodin still in your system. If you took that much there should be. And believe me, it is so worth it to not smoke. Think of your health. Think of the money you’ll save.

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Oh, I’m not on vicodin. She is and accused me of stealing a half of a bottle of hers. I’ve never taken vicodin.

I guess I’m hurt and angry. She’s mean when she’s drunk. I can’t sleep. Her adult kids won’t talk to her. I’m discovering why.

Ty for your candor.


I saw your post late last night and meant to respond but I fell asleep. I don’t think you can prove it unless you get a blood draw but I would just distance yourself from her. She probably knows where it is. If she knew you she wouldn’t be asking you that question. Good luck and don’t let her second guess yourself.

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I’m anxious today… having an off day… keep me in your thoughts?

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Hang in there @JustTrish Anxiety can be horrible but try and stay occupied. Do you have any PRN you could take?

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Thanks for the suggestion. I’ve taken my meds.

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Sometimes we need a boost to help, and anxiety is one of those things where a PRN med can help a lot.

Have to be careful not to get too involved with it though, as my PRN of diazepam has become a regular dose now which I am not to happy about.

Best of luck

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Thanks, again, hon. You’re just what I needed. I appreciate you!

No worries any time. I hope you feel better soon :black_heart:

Yah, you are in my thoughts. Keep taking care of yourself. :two_hearts:

Thanks for the encouragement. I needed that.

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