Drug addict advice?

Sorry wasn’t sure how to title this.

I could really use some help. I was once addicted to opiates and my gma got some tramadol today. I can’t keep my mind off it now.

Anyone with advice, thanks.

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Just keep telling yourself no and listen.

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Are you a member of NA? You can call someone for support. All I can say is if you feel like taking some of that medication, first, just go through what is going to happen if you take it. You’re going to get high but you have responsibilities and just dropping them to get high is going to mess with your life. You’re going to have to find a place to get high and hide that you’re getting high. You would feel regret and remorse in the morning. And you probably couldn’t stop at one, you would want to take more and it would mess up your life. All of those are bad things and you don’t want those things to happen but you know they will happen if you take that first drug. So don’t take any. Do you have a friend IRL you can talk to for support who can talk you out of the temptation?


No is no. You’re an adult. You can control the stuff you do.

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It’s a choice. Choose not to do drugs.

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Do you live with your grandma? Is it possible to get some space between you and the drug?

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I don’t know if this would help you at all but I definitely need some advice as well. How did you quit? I have a problem with opiates as well albeit mild ones.

Get help. That’s all I can say.

If you’re gonna steal your gma’s meds to get high, U need to go to NA or something.


It’s sucks how @Turtle44 came for advice and support and you’re acting like there a shitty person for even having the issue. Addiction is a tough thing to deal with. It’s even tougher when your dealing with a disease that drastically reduces your quality of life.


That stuff is for your grandma. She needs it more than you do.


I did offer advice and support.

It’s harsh, but it is what it is.

Sorry @Turtle44 , I didn’t mean to come off as rude.

I just think it’s very selfish and naive of U to go down this route. Your gma clearly needs the meds more than U.

I hope U make the right decision.

Hope this helps.

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Just try to stay away from them for the next 24 hours.

You also need to contact NA. Maybe even just go to their website and download some material.


I wholeheartedly agree with @anon57786250
If you’re thinking of stealing your grandmas meds then it’s time for a place like NA

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No one said I was stealing first off I just said it makes me want to use !


Definitely look for some NA support. They have zoom meetings if you don’t have a local meeting.

It sounds like even though you’re not considering stealing her meds, that just having them around makes you want to use or has brought up some reminders of your time in active addiction. NA would definitely be the best place to find support for this as they’re more understanding and more than likely someone else there has had similar feelings.

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I apologize to you @Turtle44
I completely misunderstood

If you are still having urges maybe you should seek out some help (support)

Again, I’m sorry

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Sorry, it just seriously came off like that.

I hope U overcome your urges.


For me it was cannabis. I couldn’t stop. I learned to stop after developing psychosis and even after that it took a while.

Sometimes you need a big impact to learn. Maybe get homeless or something because that’s the way.


I learned the hard way that weed is a drug and can put you into psychosis I have since quit but I still want to do it we all have to be careful because drugs can land us in that head space and it’s very damaging and hard to come back from.