I was doing my usual 30 minutes walks and decided to eat at the Taco Bell I was near, as I was walking back a sudden urged poop came over me. I hauled ass as fast as I could and nearly crap my pants.
I’m sorry I got a giggle .
Did you make it?
We call it Taco smells where I’m at. Never eat it without being by a toilet.
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Two words: Disposable underwear.
I was wearing the sriracha boxer too.
Outstanding. Extra spicy!!!
That’s why most people bring a portable potty chair when going to Taco Bell.
Thanks for the laugh
Lol… happens to me a lot!
I’ve never eaten at Taco Bell for this very reason.
I have no idea what im talking about
Idk what you expected. It’s Taco Bell. Expect the shits if you go
yup the legendary taco bell diahrea strikes again
foreboding southern accent “Some people speak of a man who never crapped his pants after Taco Bell. They say he lives out west past the smokies. Lot of em say he never craps at all.”
That’s the price you pay for cheap Mexican food.
I have a dream.
That one day Taco Bell will crap its own pants thus the happening of a fast food culinary revolution.
Idk. 7:35 AM. Skunks are weird this early in the morning.
I snickered yesterday well guess what…I started antibiotics yesterday and almost didn’t make it must be goin round lmao
@shutterbug tag your it ha
If you ever go to the pool and its too busy, just throw a few mars bars into the whirl pool.
Sir Level
the disturber of shats
I have diverticular disease so I am now a master at the 20m shuffle.
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