I miss my youth< anyone relate?

One time you wrote that you had mental torment; I have that and I’m wondering, did it get any better for you?

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Yes it got so much better for me.

I felt tortured 24/7 for years and was unable to laugh.ever.not in many years.

Now things are so much better for me.

When I felt I was being tortured I didn’t feel like it would ever end.
Not after my death even I worried.

Wishing you a happy life and that you will be well.

Things can get better.

I got better when I met my x in SA who i am a fan of.
He is one of the best things to ever happen to me.
We broke up but I’m forever his fan.

I recently started to listen to Louise hay love yourself guided meditation.

When I was tortured I tried guided meditation but couldn’t but now I can.

Yeah, no, I’m good. No youth for me thanks.

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