I’m so stressed out because

My husband wants off his pain med pump in his back so people don’t think he’s an addict.

Every time he sees his dr, they lower the dose 10%. This last time was a week ago.

We’re in Hell. He’s so crabby and so miserable with constant unbearable pain. Ugh!


Sorry to hear that :pensive:


I’m sorry @LilyoftheValley that can’t be easy :slightly_frowning_face:


It’s not @anon25873142 . He’s so miserable he prepared me today by telling me where all his passwords are in case anything happens to him. He promised me he won’t do anything stupid, but he said he’s so stressed he’s worried he’ll have a heart attack or stroke


That sounds like he’s not in a good place mentally either. Is he open to seeking support for this ? I really wish I had better advise.

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He has had really bad experiences with therapists so he’s not willing to talk to one anymore unfortunately

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I know when my dad was not well, I needed support not only to get me through it but so i can help him too.

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Physical pain is bad for mental health. He needs to stay on pain meds if his Dr thinks they’re necessary. He should ignore other people’s opinion about thinking he’s a drug addict. Maybe his Dr or therapist can convince him.


His dr supports him going off pain meds which doesn’t help. Now that everyone is so opposed to pain management meds no drs want to prescribe pain meds anymore - not even his pain management dr! The dr wants him to take non-narcotic drugs once they get him off the narcotics (he has delaudid in his pain pump). He’s tried them before. He took them for years and they never helped which is how he ended up with a pain pump.

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