I’m scared of permanent delusions

Is it possible that they never go away

Mine haven’t yet. I have had them since 1992. I just ignore them now.


The earlier the intervention the better.

Some delusions never go away though if you are in medication. But medication help to control the effect of it.
We all have it.

I have had this illness over 30 years and I have realized that I might have certain delusions that run for a few years but as those delusions fade out other new delusions take over.

At least you’re prepared to admit that your beliefs may be delusions, this is very good because it shows you have some insight.

Not all, but some of my beliefs that I’m told are delusions have remained since 2008 no matter what meds and dosages I’m on. I just have to learn to function regardless of what’s going on in my head

I still have some delusions but they’ve become manageable with the right medication and therapy.

what medications do you use pls

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I guess it depends some of mine have been here since i was very young. There will be times you can manage them better to where they just become fleeting annoyance. They may go away with the right medicine. They may be related to a stessful environment you live in

Theres alot of different factors so i don’t think theres one easy answer to your question