I’m quitting coffee tomorrow

I hope the withdrawals aren’t too bad.


Why on earth would you want to quit coffee?


Because it tastes bad and it doesn’t make me feel any better. I can’t even get a caffeine buzz even when I consume 1,200mg of caffeine for some reason. Maybe it’s because I take Invega Sustenna injections.

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I gave up smoking and drinking.

Surely you can give up coffee if you want



I quit smoking and drinking too and I stopped smoking weed. I used to smoke weed every day. It was bad for me because I would get paranoid and anxious and I would become a zoned out zombie and forgetful.


That’s good. I have the cannabis habit still. I’m convinced it improves my health; so I continue with it.

It does make me forgetful af tho. I hate that about it. I’m constantly worrying when my next embarrassing moment will be cuz I forgot wtf I was talking about. Ya know?

Switch to decaff, it’ll make it easier to quit.


I recommend weaning yourself off if you drink a lot of caffeine, because withdrawals can be awful.

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I don’t drink coffee but use caffeine pills to prevent med sedation and sleepiness during the day, it works.

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Good idea! 5564564465


Good luck, @anon21849028! You can do it!! :smiley:

What @everhopeful said might be helpful, too. (drinking decaf for a little while, and then stopping completely)


Good luck Ash. My friend did it a couple of years ago and said they had a really bad headache for like 2 days.

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I had to quit coffee, flushes me out and makes me dizzy,

good luck with quitting

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Good luck.

When mom tried to stop drinking coffee, her mood got worse.

They’re not, as bad.

My withdrawals started 2 kick in about 3 weeks into quitting cold turkey, then I picked it back up again.

I’m probably going to switch to tea.

I would drink coffee myself but I do not like the taste. So, like Aziz, I take caffeine pills now.

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Coffee tastes horrible in my opinion lol.

I love black decaf coffee. I drink a full pot every day.

I gave up smoking, drinking and marijuana. But I don’t think I could give up coffee and tea. I’ve cut down on the amount of coffee I drink, but replaced it with tea. I love both.

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