That is great, well done. Did you put effort in your recovery ? What tools did you use. Relaxation, diary?
I changed my diet and started walking every day. I also switched to an injection.
I don’t have future plans, just loosing weight and quit smoking. I don’t plan a career. Just doing little art projects. What about you ?
My main goal right now is to lose 50 lbs. I quit smoking two years ago and I quit drinking in January. I need to get a job but I don’t have any references.
Can you reschool ?
I can. I’ve been thinking about going back to school.
I would like to work selfemployed but i have to learn a lot to do so. My pay on the pension is about $11.50 a hour for a 40hour week. That is the minimum wage of an eighteen year old. Adult minimum wage is around $20 a hour.
$11.50 per hour is pretty good. I’d like to be able to make that much!
Website development is still in demand. I still have a voucher to do websitedevelopment on the internet.“Udemy” is a company that offers onlinelearning.
Pretty much me too. Feels good tbh after years of intense suffering and disorganization.
I get disabilty pension cause i am not able to work in any regular job. I would need therapy to go back to work or a miracle.
I agree that recovery feels good!
Sorry to hear that. I’m on disability too.
Oh no, don’t be sorry. I am happy with the outcome of my life. I got all the time in the world to focus on my recovery. Of course, after so many psychotic episodes i am cracked and scarred. Since i stay away from the mental health system i can think more straight and i am not confused anymore. It seems they ruined more in my life than helping. Actually they made me disabilty worthy. When they wouldn’t have taken my driver’s license i easily could work as a courier.
Just because i tried to use the freedom of information act to read my admin and discharge reports. It was malpractice they don’t want to admit.
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