Hey guys I missed you all. I was inpatient since the 25th and just got out Thursday. Let me say this was the nicest hospital I’ve ever stayed in, even got my own private room and everything. It was interesting. Had to spend a night in the seclusion room my first night due to violent hallucinations and thinking the nurses were going to hurt me but it was good other than that. They even supplied me with a shower chair because of my POTS and I passed out a few times and every time I was treated respectfully.
So I’m back on Loxapine 10mg am and 50 mg pm and that seemed to calm the voices down. I feel much better
Welcome back. Hope you don’t have to go back and sort out those meds. That POTS sounds scary…do you feel you about to pass out? I ask because I had a gran mal once and it was scary because I could feel weird when it came on…Is it a similar thing or do you just go?
Yay! I’m out of the hospital today, in since last Sunday. They put me on prolixen and depakote and Cogentin, officially discontinued the clozapine (actually, I officially “discontinued” it by not taking it) and I didn’t want to go thru titrating it up again. It’s all good.
I also like having my own room when I go in but they always put me in one of the ones with the camera which I don’t like. They also put me on the “closed” unit when I first got there before moving me to the “open” unit…the difference being on has less stimulation and only 4 rooms (and you don’t get utensils on your tray) while the other has 16 rooms and you go to group on that unit.
They had “pet therapy” yesterday which was really cool cuz a dog came to visit and he fetched a frisbee and did tricks and we got to pet him. It was really cool.
Happy for you, sounds like a nice hospital I was inpatient two weeks ago too. It wasn’t as nice a place as your one but the other patients entertained me a lot and it was kinda fun