I thought I changed the world when I was psychotic. And part of me still believes I can if I write a book about my tale.
Making the one percent give back to the 99 percent was my psychotic goal…the redistribution of global wealth.
I still feel I can do it, on some level.
definitely. it’s been said that Hillary Clinton should have had a little craziness about her. idk.
oopps, I forgot, I can’t talk politics on here. sorry.
I believe if your goal is altruistic, no obstacle in your way is insurmountable.
Altruistic definition:
Showing a disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others; unselfish.
That was me when I was psychotic…trying to prove to the world that I was not evil. I had the ‘delusions of persecution’ in spades and felt billions of people wanted me dead.
I thought I could reverse this situation through a global act of kindness…by donating a signed tin of Campbell’s soup to the Food Bank.
I figured after I was killed, or i took my own life, the story would be told and that simple can of soup would be worth billions to a rich pop culture collector and millions of people would be fed across the world.
it was a noble pursuit, thing to do.
I mentioned my thought process before.
Andy Warhol painted the Campbell’s Soup can and his famous quote was something like…
“In the future, everyone will be famous for 15 minutes.”
I felt I was living my 15 minutes, and specifically chose to donate a Campbell’s soup can to the Food Bank because of his quote.
Then i thought his quote would come true…billions of people would be fed and everyone of them would become a Star because of it…everyone in the world would become famous like I felt i was…and then somehow i would fit in.
I’d finally get the world off of my back through a giant act of kindness, and then go back to my little job and family.
Welcome back @Daze
Where’s the Beef!
This is an Andy Warhol print worth thousands of dollars, I believe.
All Lives Meater! ha.
Welcome back, @Daze!
I’ll stop talking about this.
I feel my brain is starting to slide again. Just rehashing all of this giant ‘spectacle delusion’ stuff is making me read double/ triple meanings into things that I assume are not really happening.
I was wondering, Patrick, you seem highly charged.
Just don’t let it go too far.
I’m now reading mixed meanings into the Google Home Page bird.
What do you mean?
The bird that is decorating the Google sign today.
I see it; I’ve somehow forgotten what mixed meanings mean
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