A Psychotic Memory

While psychotic, I donated a signed can of Campbell’s soup to the local food bank.

In my mind, I was referencing Andy Warhol…the artist who painted the soup can and said we will all be famous for 15 minutes in the future.

After dropping off the can of soup, I went back to my car and turned on the Radio…they were playing “Feed the World”.

I cranked it as loud as I could and raised my clenched fist to the satellite cameras in the sky and yelled out…



You have to understand.

I felt I had become a world-wide spectacle…the most famous person on the planet.

And I thought that signed can of Cambell’s soup would be worth a billion dollars to the food bank, and millions of people across the globe would get fed because of it.


I felt the whole despised me… that I was evil. It was my ‘delusions of persecution.’

My act was my way of trying to show the world that I was not evil…that I cared…

I was higher than any drug could ever get you. I felt on some level that i was uniting mankind in goodness.

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Maybe it’s just because I slept in until 3:30 pm and didn’t go out of the house until 5:00 and I’m still tired, but everybody in the video looked alike.

I could pick out who a few of them by their voices; Bono and a couple others but I should know more of them. I think Sting was in there and Phil Collins on drums and Boy George was obvious.

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That’s quite humorous if you ask me :smiley:

I donated a loaf of sandwiches to the food bank and left loaf of sandwiches for a homeless guy. And also down by the train tracks.

Courtesy of the voices lol


Way to go, Patrick.

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