Thank you for all your help.
I’m glad you feel safe here flowers20
I like this forum too.
I learn and I practice my social skills and expressionism
It really is a good way to take up time when I wake up in the night aswell as during bus rides, breaks at work etc
I read your post about fearing hell, I can totally relate to that. Even though in a different way. But I’m still scared my boyfriend is the devil, not to derail the post.
We are glad you are sharing and working towards feeling better.
Thats nice to hear. The rules help keep this place feeling comfortable and the mods are excellent.
In what way is he the devil, in your mind. That must be so scary!!! Proof?
the pope said the devil is a person, and since then sort of, I’ve been thinking I’ve been in dialogue with him (my boyfriend being the devil, since he himself said he was a fallen angel).
Glad you feel safe. We do have strict rules, but they’re there to make it a safe place.
He said that as a joke.
He’s just a normal being.
Did he not even take back that statement? Because he knew you were taking it too seriously.
He was pretty serious when he was explaining why he was a fallen angel. But yes he has taken it back now. Still worries me.
What makes you think a devil exists in the first place. There’s no proof ?
I guess it is just a feeling you have. It is hard to overcome those delusional feelings but it is possible
Glad to hear. 55
me too. 15151515
There’s good people here
Oh hey! @Naarai what in the Sam Hill are you doing!??!
Hiya sweet, Just got up - 6.30 am here. You pulled an all nighter?
I hope not. Imma try to sleep in a few. Haha .
Lol oh ok. Im frozon - gonna bung the heating on haha.
Sleep well x
Have a good one