But the cash register read 20$. so at first, I was suspicious. I was going to just ignore it, because I’m a pushover. but not this time!
I told the cashier guy about it. we talked and then the manager came. the manager talked with me. we agreed to scan the items, one at a time. we started with the 4 kelloggs.
when he scanned all 4 kelloggs, it totaled 12$. and the paper said 4 for 8$. the manager looked like he was deep in thought (at this point, I knew that I had won the battle.) then he kicked me out.
just kidding
instead, he told the casheir guy to manually change the price from 12$ to 8$. I was so happy. but I feel sad for the cashier guy because the whole scene probably embarrassed him more than me.
but yeah, I knew what I was fighting for. and I won.
oh yeah, and don’t buy poptarts. you’ll probably go through them too fast. I only bought poptarts because there wasn’t enough variety in the cereals, as most of the cereals that were advertised weren’t even on the shelves (aka weren’t in stock.) that was frustrating because I had to spend like a half hour, trying to think of what to buy instead. I finally decided to buy poptarts, which I know I’d eat way too quickly.
yeah, zoning-out can be a problem sometimes. I usually zone-out when I miss a meal or something.
there was a whole thread about that, so you should know my age by now!
lol that sounds unique. if that happened to me, I’d probably stay home most of the time. dudes can start fights in my place, if I look at them a wrong way.