My Dr gave me 11 refills either he knows I’m really in need or he doesn’t care I’m not sure how to take this lol
Wow 11 refills. Mine just gives me a three month supply and then I need to see them again.
I’ve never heard of that many refills, the most I’ve ever gotten is 3.
As long as it’s not an opioid, doctors will give you tons of mostly everything. I think they are a little too heavy handed with benzo scripts but hey what do I know.
Well I have to go see him every month for my anxiety meds since they are controlled so I guess he thought it would be ok.
I think szs should be guaranteed unlimited refills as a right.
My primary gives me a year supply of omeprazole so maybe there is reason for it.
I see my pdoc every 6 weeks and she always prescribes enough meds until the next cita.
My psychiatrist rarely gives me refills
See I would think that would be the case so he could check in on me. But maybe he sees that I’ve been on the same one for a year now with no problem.
My psychiatrist gives me 11 refills on everything but Xanax and Lunesta. The narcotics he can only give 5.
So I go every six months which is nice because when I first got sick I saw the shrink every week. That was a bit extreme.
My doc only gives me 2 weeks’ worth of clozapine cuz I do my blood test every 2 weeks, but everything else I get a months’ worth each time with 3 refills. A couple of years ago they would never give me more than a week’s worth of any oral meds cuz I was OD’ing so often, and they put me on an injectable. I’ve come a long way since then.
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