I hope I’m not screwed

I missed my afternoon dose of Depakote today.
This could possibly set me back a bit.
Hopefully I won’t start to cycle.

I was away at my Fathers doctor and when I got home I forgot to take it.

This rarely happens!

Oh well.


Well I hope everything is okay with you. :thinking::thinking::thinking:


Thanks @GrayBear!

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I’ve found some meds If I miss them there’s no drama. For others it really makes a big difference and I’m struggling after a while. Hope it’s one of the former and doesn’t affect you too much.

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Thanks @rogueone

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That sucks. I really hope it doesn’t mess with you. Fingers crossed for ya!

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Thank you @Happy_H

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Sometimes I accidentally miss my morning doses and I have a bad day but I usually get through it okay. Hopefully you’ll be fine and not have too many ill effects.


Yeah good to know @Leaf.
I just took my nighttime dose and so far I’m doing fine.
Hopefully I’ll be OK.



You should be fine. No worry.

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Thanks @Bchan 15

I would tell your doctors if they wouldn’t know whether to call you in for hospitalization or not. See this happened to me once when I was missing the sleeping meds and the doc was like no problem.

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Hope you’re okay @Wave.

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No I don’t need to be hospitalized :smile:
Thanks @eighteyedspy23!

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