I hit my BMI target weight!

I stepped on the scale today and I weigh 163.4 lbs, that gives me a BMI of 24.8.

I quit Olanzapine almost 3 months ago and my natural metabolism has come roaring back. My appetite has also diminished so I eat like a bird. Finally I’ve been working at my new job for about 4 months now and it requires me to constantly be getting in and out of a minivan and walking up and down people’s driveways to drop packages off at their door, it’s quite a bit of exercise.

According to this website my weight is now normal for my height. I haven’t been a healthy normal weight in almost 20 years, ever since they put me on Olanzapine and I ballooned up to 240lbs at one point, so I’ve lost over 75lbs. This is awesome! My last blood test was immaculate, things have really improved in my life over the last little while. I would have never thought any of this possible 10 years ago.

BMI Categories:
Underweight = <18.5
Normal weight = 18.5–24.9
Overweight = 25–29.9
Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater


Awesome good for you. :owl::owl::owl:

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Congratulations :tada::clap:

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Congratulations! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Great job! I know how hard it is and you did it!

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Congrats I also was able to get control of my weight. Weight gain is a very unfortunate side effect of anti psychotics

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Fantastic job!!! Good for you!!!

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That’s great. Congrats @Headspark

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Congratulations!!! Success!!!

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Fantastic mate, good for you!!!


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Nice job :clap: :+1: congratulations

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Great work…I’m glad you’ve got there and I’m working hard on getting back on track after a poor winter. I think I camped too much in winter and just piled on a couple of kgs. I appreciate what you’ve done though for sure so well done!

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Thanks everyone for all the kind words

It’s so nice to look in the mirror and not see man boobs and a big fat gut with huge love handles. I use to be embarrassed and disgusted with my body, I haven’t gone swimming in a long time because I didn’t want to take off my shirt. Just psychologically I am much happier, my body is like 90% back to what it was when I was in my 20’s before I was put on antipsychotics.

To anyone out there trying to lose weight, it is possible, it’s not easy, but it can be done. Good luck!


Congratulations. Good for you!

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