I weighed myself this morning and my BMI was 29.9! For the first time in about 35 years I am finally no longer in the “obese” category of BMI (obese category is 30 or higher). I’m only 5’3" and weighed in at 168.6 lbs today, a total loss now of 130 lbs.
I have been working with my primary care provider for 2 years to lose weight. I do take Mounjaro for diabetes, but I also weigh and measure and track my food intake. I need to work harder to exercise more.
I’m on clozapine, and that has made this journey difficult as I am still constantly craving certain foods. It also makes me want to sleep a lot, and that hurts my motivation to get moving. I just wanted to say that if I can lose this weight anyone can, but I know it’s not easy, and I’ll be spending the rest of my life fighting to NOT regain the weight. I’m so happy that walking doesn’t hurt anymore, and they’ve told me I can put off knee replacement surgery for another 5 years since the weight loss has helped the arthritis…
Anyway, I’m really happy that I am “finally” overweight!!!
My doctor says that my goal weight should be 155 lbs…I didn’t believe that I could ever be that light, but now I believe it’s possible. Only about 14 lbs to go!
Congratulations @WhiteRaven That’s a significant weight loss!
It’s inspiring to hear that significant weight loss can be achieved by carefully monitoring what and how much you consume, moderate exercise and under medical supervision by your primary care doctor. And by sticking with it for the long term. Well done!
Congratulations @WhiteRaven keeping it off now is the challenge , eat sensibly when your off the weight loss meds. I have lost weight in the past but gained it back within 2 years, its not easy. I gained lots of weight on serequol quitiapine, however you spell it, anyway ive lost 7 lbs since summer and kept it off but on different meds its still incredibly hard to lose weight. Im scared to go on weight meds incase something happens but im glad it has worked out for you