I hear birds chirping.. Do you have a pet?

I guess spring is coming along. I hear birds singing.

I miss my cat who died a couple of years ago. He used to get absolutely crazy at this time of year.

Our pets give us a lot of joy! My cat was pitch black and really kind. He never took his claws out when we were playing, and his claws were super sharp. He was the nicest cat!

Do you have a pet?


I have a little mutt-puppy named Shadow. She likes to lay on top of me when I watch TV. I can’t imagine life without her!


I have a little Shih Tsu. He’s 13 years old. I rescued him when he was 5. He’s my little baby and buddy. I love him so much!!!


Aaaw, those eyes! What a cutie!


I have a beautiful male tuxedo cat. He’s such a sweetheart. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


My two year old cat who is a creamsicle we play fight sometimes. I love him so much. Other times i’ll rub my face on his back hehe.


I have a boxer mix dog, hes ugly-cute and his name is bruce. And i have 2 cats. A black and white tuxedo named Mustafa, and a long haired white with black spots named Audrey.


I don’t have a pet. But my mom has 2 cats that I pet when I visit her. Growing up we had 2 Bernese mountain dogs.

I’m an animal lover, and maybe one day I will take a dog again. However, I currently live in an apartment without terrace and don’t deem it appropriate for a dog. Also, it’s a lot of responsibility.


Got a very old cat at 10 years. Poor girls knackered. Took her off the last owner that died, got her last month. She spends most of the time on the bed watching me, tho she climbs on my head at night in bed and preens my hair :smiley: I think thats a good sign shes comfortable.

Vets fees were a bit high at ÂŁ480 - but shes worth it. Shes called Tilly.

I will try and capture a sneaky photo - but loud noises and a flash from a camera will probably freak the old girl out x


I have a big Great Pyr dog named Wesley. He doesn’t understand his size. He loves to sit on me, like a lap dog, but he’s like 85 pounds (38.5 kilograms). He has anxiety and is scared of almost everything. Balloon? Terrified. Mailbox? Terrified. Ceiling fan? Terrified. New person trying to greet him? Terrified. :smiling_face_with_tear:

We adopted him when he was 3 years old. I think he might’ve been abused? I don’t know. But there’s gotta be some reason he is so anxious and afraid of everything. He is 6 years old now. :smiling_face:

I have 2 kitties. American shorthairs. Fable and Orestes. They are both pretty vocal. I talk to them and they like to talk back to me (meowing).

Fable is really sassy. If you move him from a comfy spot, or even just try to adjust your legs while he’s sitting on you, he will grumble and sometimes yell in protest. If he wants a treat, he will scream and scream and scream… You either gotta tell him to hush or give in, lol. He’s very demanding.

Orestes loves to run into whatever room you’re in and just start yelling for attention. He has a meow that kinda sounds sad, like he’s crying for you to pet him. But if you bend down at the “wrong time”, he will just run away. Haha. If your timing is “right”, he will flop over and let you rub his belly.

And I have a corn snake named Inferno! He is orange, red, and yellow, which is why I named him Inferno. He’s super sweet. Nicest snake ever. He’s very gentle. :smiling_face:


I have 2 cats an orange on named Roscoe and a gray and white one named Min. They’re both super sweet and I love them very much. My partner also has a cat and she is a creature


Dog and a bearded dragon. Did have a cat at one point but i just could not manage her so i found her a new home.


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