I have to go to work

To collect my laptop I do not have a choice… I will wear a mask and gloves and be quick… I am scared but I don’t have money coming in


yeah, i think you’ll be ok, just be careful, I’ll pray for your safety :slight_smile:


I’ll pray that you find a job and that you will do very well too @anon80629714. I’ll pray for your safety.


I have a job but I do have an interview on Friday.

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I hope you get to keep your job or find a better one. Whichever you prefer :wink:

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Thanks guys,

I shouldn’t really be looking for another job. I am just trying to escape the humiliation I caused myself because I got paranoid.

I understand what you mean, although I managed to avoid exposing myself at my previous job, but maybe some people guessed that something about me was off. They didn’t say anything though.

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I am sorry. How do you cope to stick to the job and face the situation rather than run. I just don’t know what else to do. But the job I have applied for is full time and better pay. I will give it a chance at the interview but don’t know if offered if I will take the job… we see.

I think there’s is a certain danger if you jump from job to job too often. People will start asking questions and you will have to come up with good answers.

All my previous jobs have been temps. the current one I am employed through government and its zero hours (no sick pay and no pay if I do not work). The job I am applying for has better pay and is full time as well… so I don’t know… i want to fight and keep my current job but I am tired of feeling like this.

I see.
You like the excitement of a new job but you’re afraid that if people stick around for too long, they’ll eventually discover that you are ill ? And that feeds your anxiety and increases your stress levels and you cope less with the workload ?

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With a mask and gloves you have a good chance of being ok. Good luck on the interview!

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YES! I actually started getting paranoid about work colleagues and then I acted on it telling people these people are trying to kick me out. I shouldnt have done it i feel so embarrased. So I feel exposed. So I want to run to new job - my feeling is always “it won’t happen again” - it always does.

But that aside, my job is going to move in a couple of years so it is only temporary anyway. Plus I don’t get the perks of a permenant employee so do I take a chance. I think I will.

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Luckily they will ship it to me. There is no chance I can take a taxi there and collect the laptop and monitor. They finally agreed to send the stuff next week. Thank god for that.


Yay! That’s just what you wanted :slight_smile:

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