I have no insight when things start to go wrong

My insight is the first thing to go.

Lately, I’ve was overwhelmed by real life events and my mental health took a big nose dive. But I didn’t notice.

Things (mental health wise) are back to “normal” now , and it’s only now looking back I can see how bad things were.


I’m glad to hear that things are back to normal with you. With me things are still kinda bad. I got a ton of unpacking to do mainly. But my move is over now, and I don’t have the stress of having to get it done by the 31st.

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Good to hear mate :slight_smile:

Stay safe

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I’m glad you’re back to normal. Did you have a med change?

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No med change. I just managed to get on top of some real world stuff. But I had no insight that my mental health was taking a nose dive, so didn’t even think of speaking with a doctor.

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I used to be completely like this too. Now my mind is more calculated, ordered, precise. I never get triggered either. And I’m pretty much always in control these days. I’ve noticed my discipline has improved over anything else lately. It’s a beautiful thing

Well we raised naltrexone to 50 mg TWICE daily, lowered abilify to 7.5 morning and night. And switched klonopin to Ativan. Omg what a difference. Not that I wasn’t on the upslope before. Now it’s like we’ve found the mountain just gotta climb it now.

Hope all is well @everhopeful otherwise. I enjoy checking in with ya my friend


Wow, that’s amazing to hear. I’m happy for you @Jonnybegood !

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Most important is not getting triggered. I notice even normies get triggered quite a bit. It seems natural to man/woman. Alan watts wrote a book the wisdom of insecurity. Don’t get me wrong was a great philosophy book too but , I just think mankind is a bit insecure. It starts with self confidence no doubt. And ends with some Freudian nonsense. But even the group mindstate is in insecurity. Last time I got triggered was only weeks ago. But you can accomplish a bit if you thicken your skin. Just saying you in general. Not you personally mister hopeful.

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Even with insight, it didn’t really make a difference for me. I told my pdoc that I knew from a clinical point of view what I believed would be considered a delusion and I remember him saying it was a good sign I had insight, but even so I told him I was convinced I was being mind controlled. That didn’t go away until after I started medication.

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But then there is mental illness. Where the brain doesn’t function as well. Hard to not always get triggered. But my mind has healed a ton. I think all aspects of mind, brain and mental health as well as maybe trauma . Are connected

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