I have kyphosis

Had it since I was 14. Five years of chronic pain. It contributed to depression and low self-esteem. The swimming unit in P.E. was humiliating in soph year.

I don’t even think about it that much anymore, I’m so used to the pain.

It’s severe but not severe enough to get a surgery on. I might though.

How serious would the surgery be? Consider it anyway. I have a low tolerance to pain. I whince when I have to get blood tests nevermind anything else.

Very serious. Hundreds of thousands of dollars and severe pain during recovery.

If I get it I’m going to start a gofundme page.

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I also wince during blood tests. Unless a cute girl is doing it, then I play it cool :stuck_out_tongue:


I get the same person each time, and they’re not cute.

Edit: beauty is in the eye of the beholder I guess.

Same here, but you might get a hot nurse at the hospital.

Now that you’ve made me think about it , I’ve never had my bloods done by someone who was cute ever. I’m not sure how I’d react now!

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