I have been rejected by Assertive Outreach Team

Things might be worse without meds. My meds don’t work perfectly but without them things would be likely worse.

Anyway. That is something to decide between patient and doctor together.

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I am the last person taking these things willingly

Last time I came off I ended up in hospital

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Okay, well, hope things work out for you. I really mean that.


Sorry I am in a bit of a mood this morning


I think half of the working population feels like that on a Monday morning :confused:


Did I really just see someone trying to convince someone to go off their meds?

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That was how I read it, but wasn’t sure

Don’t think people appreciate the length of destructive time in psychosis it takes to earn the SZ ‘badge’

They do not flippantly give out that dx from what I experienced.

Not sure what others think about that

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No, I’m not a doctor so I’m in no position to tell someone to get off their meds. I was questioning why take meds that don’t work. That was it. They’re not treating you as a “lab rat” if you’re requesting certain meds. But, I apologize if my comments were misinterpreted. I think I know now what’s going on. I won’t say it, but I understand now. That one moderator is doing too much micro-managing. But, yeah, I get it now. I won’t write it, but I see.

You have to be kidding me. Micro managing? People on this forum would laugh at that because I have drastically cut my time here from when I was here all day, everyday and making sure people weren’t giving horrible medical advice

But go off.

Can we lock the thread please
@anon4362788 ?

:black_cat: :black_cat: :black_cat: