I have an appointment to see my family doctor tomorrow

@Wave, If you take your temperature with an oral thermometer, sometimes the results can be inaccurate because of something you eat or drink before taking your temperature.


@SkinnyMe is right. It can be affected by food and drink. I hope you get better soon! I hate being sick! It sucks!

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@Wave It’s a good idea to have your GP check you out since you’ve had symptoms for a while. I hope you feel better soon!

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Hope your doc figures it out @Wave.

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Thank you @SkinnyMe @LilyoftheValley @Moonbeam and @eighteyedspy23!

Yes @SkinnyMe but when my temperature dropped to 95.5 I started to shiver.


Had you been outside in the cold?

I just came back from my family doctor and he said if I’m not feeling better by Monday they are going to test my stool sample.
In the meantime I have to follow the BRAT diet and take Kaopectate as needed.

No @SkinnyMe I was not out in the cold but my doctor was not concerned about my one time low body temperature.


That doesn’t sound fun @Wave, but I’m glad your dr isn’t worried yet. I guess it just has to run it’s course

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He checked my heart, breathing, throat took my temperature but the strange thing was that he didn’t take my blood pressure to see if I could be dehydrated.

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Another thing that pisses me off is I found out there are 3 different interactions with 3 of my meds and Kaopectate!

This doctor is a ■■■■■■■ quack!

He’s trying to kill me!

This is why I don’t trust doctors!

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Sometimes you can still take a drug even when there could be interactions. An example is how SSRIs taken with certain APs can cause a long QT syndrome in the heart, but the drs regularly prescribe them together. They are just supposed to get an ekg once per year to make sure everything is ok

I called my Mail order pharmacy and spoke to this one pharmacist who told me about all these drug interactions but maybe you are right and I should listen to my doctor anyway.
I’ll double check just to be sure.

Thanks @LilyoftheValley!


I hope you feel better, soon! :face_with_thermometer:

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Thanks again @JustTrish :slightly_smiling_face:

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I just found out that they are testing me for cancer!
It doesn’t make sense.

I had a stomach flu for more than 3 weeks and now they are testing for stomach/intestinal cancers.

And here I thought they were going to test my stool for various stomach issues.

It doesn’t make sense.

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@SkinnyMe do you know why they are testing me for colorectal cancers?

Wave, hon, pm me… I’ve been screened for CA because of vomiting and weight loss. Maybe I can hellp

The cancer screening is probably the doctor’s way of being extra careful, I wouldn’t sweat it too much. I really hope you feel better soon.


You’re so right, agent.


I’m having a hard time accessing my PM right now @JustTrish.

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