Do others with schizophrenia know how to know what your symptoms are?
Positive symptoms
Negative symptoms
What Are Positive Symptoms (???)… . …
It’s right there
Negative symptoms- Don’t eat well…sleep well…don’t shower or shave…etc.
Positive symptoms- Voices…hallucinations…delusions…etc.
At least this is my understanding of these two terms.
What if The ‘Positive’ Symptoms Are Welcomed And The Environment is What is Actually Causing Harm. And The Negative (Not Medical Terms), The Negative Cannot Be Erased (???)… . …
Environment definitely can play a role I believe.
People who live in the country tend to have less mental illness than those who are city dwellers…from what I have read.
Well if One Can Agree That The Negative Environment is The Actual Cause. Why Do The Victim’s Have to Carry The Word, “illness” at Their Side at All Times (???)… . …
I refer to Schizophrenia as an ‘affliction’…but that’s just me.
I Lean More Towards Mystical, Magical, Shaman.
And Or!, Good Witch And Or,
Wizard (!!!)… . …
Take Your Pills Kid’s (!!!)… . …
I believe on some level that schizophrenics just have a better ‘sixth sense’ than most others…we pick up on stuff that is ‘in the air’ so to speak more readily than your average Joes.
Yea That is a Great Movie (!!!)… . …
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