I hate schizophrenia but I would like to get married

I hate all the symptoms I suffer from schizophrenia.Bad mood,negativity,stress,side effect and some jumbled thoughts.I need my medication for now and I still take them religiously without missing a day but I don’t want to depend on them forever if it’s possible.

I want to have a girlfriend and get married,it’s one of my dreams in life.I care about my relationships,love and sex life,most people do


I have the same goal; I would like to get married if it is possible to have children. However my pdoctor recommend not getting married because my age (49) but I don´t agree with him.

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They specialize in treating people with illness and prescribing medication,but they are not specialize in life,they are not right in everything

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I lost all those goals… I have no sex drive and even if I try I’m in my mind and can’t enjoy even the feelings…relationships have become distant for me , the reason I have friends is to try and appear normal and healthy but they don’t know what I’m going through and even if I did they wouldn’t understand… And if I can’t even be emotionally developed in a friendship I couldn’t imagine a relationship…

But I really hope that this will pass and I can be with someone … Despite all… So I urge u to go out and accomplish your goals and if u do than let me know so that maybe I can have hope too…

Besides we are just humans , right?


i’m in my thirties… i wonder if i’ll ever get married and if i’ll ever be happy in a marriage…

Don’t worry gtx. The right girl is out there.

Right now I’m hardly functioning well. My girlfriend makes me pre-made meals to take to my house cuz I have such low motivation low mood to do anything. I feel embarrassed that I have such little energy/motivation to do much right now. But she helps me a lot. I’m slowly coming out of this negative swing. Made scrambled eggs tonight.

Anyway what I’m saying is if you find an understanding girl (Maybe a girl that has her own mental issues) then she can be more empathetic towards your own issues.

She’s out there man. Don’t worry about it


I have the same dream, sometimes I don’t have high hopes for myself but I want everyone else to reach the stars with their dreams. Even though I’m new to the forum and haven’t made myself known or talked much with others I still think they deserve everything they could ever want.


Yeah I have that dream and was ready to put alot of effort and energy into it. But then I seen how other people act when they do this and it reminds me a little bit of my younger self, so I’ve learned to be satisfied with my real self and wait for a relationship to develop naturally.


Im in a relationship have been for 6 years and im getting married you need an understanding partner but i cant believe how lucky i am so love is possible


Keep preparing and fighting for it GTX… your day will come.


Well its tough to say; drug induced ED sucks but that hopefully can be overcome with viagra.
My family is planning to arrange my marriage in couple of years i dont know if id b willing as of now. But somehow if my energy level improves and im able to work full time ill give a lucky lady a chance to come to america by marrying her


Sz isn’t my only problem. But who knows. I might be right for a girl that’s right for me. I believe i might find her . just as likely as all the starlight. You might find your girl too. Maybe she’s looking for you too.

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I’m part of this forum because I am madly and completely in love with my husband who has schizophrenia. He has terrible anxiety related to multiple things. I have helped get him on a medication that works for him and he is feeling good at the moment. We’ve been through hard times, for sure. We’re in a really good place right now, although it hasn’t always been that way. He makes me laugh all the time. His humor is beautiful. He is also the smartest person I’ve met. He always says he hates his brain. I say I love it because it makes him who he is. I wish him health and happiness without suffering. I’m saying all this because I married someone with schizophrenia and I love him completely.


I am so touched by what you have said

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