I hate porn!

My stupid boyfriend wakes up in the middle of the night to watch porn, i asked him before bed not to, wake up and he is, try to go back to sleep, wemt to check on him, watching porn! F"in stupid stuff… He watches live girls masterbate, what the heck! Idk what im suppose to do!!!


Men are higher consumers of pornography than women. Those websites are tailored to men.

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I think he’s rude to watch it when he’s with you. Sorry.

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I do wonder about guys sex drives in comparison to females is there really a difference.

I’m sorry that there seems to be a disagreement between you two. Hope you too can come to an agreement like be more intimate with you instead of the porn?

My gal has never got on my case for porn…she likes it too.

Guess I’m lucky that way, I suppose.

I’d rather have a partner get off from watching porn than get frustrated because they’re not getting enough from me.
I’d say it depends on the porn as well. If it was some really nasty degrading stuff I’d ask them not to do it around me, I think.

And if it became an addiction, that would be a no-go.
I do believe people need an orgasm now and then, but if they NEED to watch porn to get it, or feel the need to have one several times a day, I’d ask them to seek help.


I think / see that as cheating.

Because he is interacting with another woman sexually.

If it was just porn with no interaction it would not be cheating but I still wouldn’t be thrilled.

I don’t know what my boyfriend does.

He has shown me porn memes which I don’t mind.

Not sure how I feel about porn .

I don’t think I’m overly keen but maybe it depends on the porn.

I mainly want intimacy sexually to connect one on one but I would watch it with my man if he wanted it.


I understand watching a good movie,but if the scenario is the same, and it repeats all the time, then it’s not a good one.
If you need to get sexually excited you can go slowly with your partner and discover and enjoy having a constructve insight what is the thing that keeps her or him satisfied the most.That leads to good relationship.

I think it’s wrong to do that since you are in his life.


I never needed porn when I was with my gf.
Didn’t feel the need to because I can have it in real life and its better in real life.

Tell him you don’t like it if you don’t like it.
Be honest with him about your feelings.

I don’t see anything wrong with watching prerecorded videos, but live porn is different. Like @SacredNeigh7 said, he is interacting with the actress and giving requests. That is a form of cheating, in my opinion.

Sometimes, people masturbate to help them fall asleep. That is pretty normal. Orgasms make people sleepy and relaxed. If he wakes up in the middle of the night, it is probably because he has insomnia. The porn is just a tool he uses to treat it. But I think it would be fair to ask him to stick to prerecorded videos, and not live, interactive porn.


I would have a candid discussion with him @Itsme.
Tell him exactly what your feeling about it.

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You could video tape your sex, if that doesn’t seem weird. People do that a lot. You can play it and maybe that would excite him. Otherwise, I think you have a right to geld him.

Ohh, that’s an idea, but a potentially dangerous one. Revenge porn is a very real problem in the world. You don’t want the video to end up in the wrong hands if the relationship ends.


Yep or if someone accidentally watches it or it ends up accidentally in the wrong hands.
That would be bad

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I share the same hatred as you.
Porn is more addicting than crack.
It destroys relationships.
It interferes with ability to love.
It is free and in your pocket at all given time like a drug of choice.
It is shameful as well.
I hate it - makes me feel bad n guilty when ever I finish
Porn is the root of all evil

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My husband introduced me to porn. We both enjoyed it. I used it for a long time after I divorced him.

I haven’t used it for many years now. I don’t like it anymore. It’s against my religion.


I have a love hate relationship with porn.

One time I was on a porn site, and it had this little box that said, “If you want to turn off the safe search site check this box.” I did that, and things got sick and disgusting very fast.

Most men watch porn, some more than others. It’s a fact.
Now, chatting with another girl while she is getting off sounds like cheating to me.

Differences in libido lead to more breakups than, say, differences in political views. I’m sorry if that is what’s going to happen in your case, hope you two can sort this out somehow.