I hate having so much life ahead of me knowing it’s going to be filled with days like today where my f****** car starts leaking fluid from the part I just replaced. If only I were really old and have only 10-20 years left where I can just worry about entertaining myself. And if I really enjoyed my job I could keep doing it until I get terminal and then rest all day and watch good shows from when I was a young man and be surrounded by young nurses. That would be a good way to die.
When you hit 40 you’re going to be wishing that you were 19 again. I’m 54 with very little energy. I work six hours a day every other day. The next day after I work I’m so tired and sore that it makes me feel like I just played tackle football in the park for four hours.
Jokes aside. I guess every age has its perks and flaws.
It is hard to look ahead in life. I’m with you on that one. I am terrified of the years to come.
But, just think of what can happen in those years. Ya never know.
Those young whipper snappers don’t know how good they have it. Us older folks have to deal with those aches and pains, etc. that come with aging. I guess what they say is true—the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence…