Therapy program I’m in to learn to check facts and control emotions today. I’m working on identifying my emotions and then applying skills to cope with them.
My favorite therapist I’ve ever had told us she’s leaving. I met my new therapist for group and individual therapy and she’s really nice but new to it all. I’m so bummed. My therapist was helping me a ton.
Yeah. @dougRN , I’m in a one year program covered by a grant for the underinsured. I like it. But all the info can be overwhelming for sure. This weak, I thought I hadn’t used the skills I was supposed to work on but after being in therapy, they told me I had used them and done so very well. I feel really good about that
Sounds really useful therapy to have! Im envious
With anger especially I am very bad at recognising I am feeling it and then sometimes I am acting on it without realising.