Today is my intensive therapy day

I have both group and individual sessions all day. Honestly, it’s exhausting. But I need it so I’m trying to stick it out, follow the program and do my homework. It’s a year long, once a week program


I hope it helps you. Let us know if it does.


best of luck with all your therapy @LilyoftheValley
i hope it will go really well

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Thanks @everhopeful @lekkerhondje


@everhopeful @lekkerhondje it’s a whole year long program. I’m in an hour break right now. I’m glad I get that every week


oh that’s long, a year. what do you do during the therapy?

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Emotion, thought, action diary cards, and tons of exercises to help you cope with your intense emotions. @lekkerhondje


Well done @LilyoftheValley. How did your folder come together? Really hoping this therapy is helpful for you.

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Thanks @anon44466342. I bought a 5 inch binder to hold all the paperwork and it’s working ok for me. Because it’s so much it’s kind of cumbersome, and awkward, but I’m making it work.

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That is great Zannah…15151515

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Thanks @Jake. It’s pretty mentally and emotionally draining but I hope over time it gets better. My friend did it before and she said it gets easier with time and practice


I hope it gets better over time. At least it is giving you something constructive to do.

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@LilyoftheValley Couldn’t they spread out the sessions a bit so it wouldn’t be such a hassle?

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I agree @Jake. It’s a healthy, productive thing to do.

I had to accept the openings that were available to get started. I was on a waitlist. I want to be mentally healthier so I took what I could get.

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