Over this last weekend I visited my parents for only 2 nights for my cousins funeral and experienced 2 major triggers or maybe retraumitizations from my parents. One from each. I decided I don’t want them in my personal life at all and I don’t want to spend any nights over there again except in extreme circumstances. They treat me like crazy a they do is argue my psychosis got really bad and I came home wanting to cut myself real bad. So I deleted my entire family off my social media, which is my main contact with them all since I live a few cities over from them. I feel so much better being home and doing that. I know its mother’s day but my mom treats me like crazy so it’s whatever at this point. She’s begging me to let her back in.
I think it’s hard for some people to even pretend to comprehend mental illness. Not sure that helps and I’ve been really lucky to have grown up in a non judgemental household.
It’s sometimes hard to do this all alone but if you’ve a good support system it’s not bad to cut out toxic people. I’ve done that in the past and that was a good move whether friends or family.
Sorry you had to deal with it all. Maybe just have some time away and be kind about it. Never too late to try and teach people.
Oh this isn’t even about my mental illness. It’s about me being transgender and fat. I heard negative comments on both AGAIN
But I do hear crap about being mentally ill too
Ahh apologies. No dramas there. Keep your support networks adequeate and move on!
I see the confusion my phone auto corrected crap to crazy
I have paranoia around my family. I also wanted to cut my family out completely and I almost did for many years. But my care team has me not cut them off 100% but keep low contact, to a minimum where they don’t make me feel bad.
Sorry to hear you are going through this.
They treat you like lunatic?
Why? Don’t they understand you?
Don’t delete them all from Facebook.
You may need them in the future.
No that was just autocorrect. They treat me like crap not crazy. I already deleted them. I dontnregret it they can always still message me and I barely talk to any of them
No one in my family understands me. Most of them are backwards hillbillies. I’m the only one in my family with a degree and I’m going to grad school. I’m the only trans person and the only one that sees a therapist desite they need one too.
I’m from a small town in rural Georgia.
When I had a baby and decided to have him adopted by gay men, my family flipped their ■■■■.
I decided it was best to cut ties.
To this day, the kid is now in first grade, I still haven’t talked to most of them.
I think it’s healthy to get rid of toxic people in your life, but you should be prepared for the repercussions.
They may seriously not ever talk to you again.
As long as you’re okay with that,
I don’t see a problem.
I would had rather be raised in any household where I was loved. My childhood was horrible.
When I was a kid you never knew when my dad was going to start screaming at you.
When my dad left the state for work I was 5 years old. My mother slept with no less than 3 men. She moved in with 1 guy. She would leave my sister and I alone at 5&6 years old while she went on motorcycle rides with her bf.
She went on a date with one of her bfs and left my sister and I alone at night. We were 5&6 that time too.
Yeah. That wouldn’t fly in my family.
Didn’t take well in my family,
The reason I only talk to a handful of relatives.
And I know that even they talk bad about my adoption situation,
I just ignore it.
Had I known I would become mentally ill I would have had both my children adopted. My aunt married a guy with dark hair/skin. My daughter has dark hair/skin. I just didn’t know.
I knew I had schizophrenia, but that’s not why I gave him to his parents.
I just straight up never wanted children.
I love him, I miss him, but I’ve never had the desire to raise him.
Too much for me, maybe because of MI, maybe because of my personality,
I don’t know.
I didn’t want to half-ass motherhood for him when another family was ready to give him so much more.
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