She needed to get my records from my old doctor to see what needed to be done and when. But I think it’s time to get my liver and kidneys checked and thyroid and blood sugar and all that happy sh it. My old doc checked it 2-3 times a year or so. But it got checked more often because of trips to the ER and hospitalizations. I’m paranoid of my liver and kidneys because of all the meds I take. Any sign of trouble and I’m going off these meds.
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Threatening to go off meds, instead if finding a solution that would keep you sane and productive, isn’t a very healthy way to go into this. I get that it sucks and no one wants to be on meds, but different meds effect different body systems. If the meds you’re in are hurting your kidneys, just switch to a med that doesn’t affect the kidneys. No need to ditch your needs altogether. Especially if you need them, which, being on them, I’m assuming you do.
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good point, I guess that’s what I meant, off these meds.
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