By depression…
I need advice. It’s the feeling of feeling fine one moment and suddenly getting hit by a huge wave of depression. Everything comes back. The memories, the mean thoughts, the bad times, etc. It happens any time of the day for me but especially at night when everything is quiet. I can’t shut my brain. Stop thinking too much…
I don’t get it. I’ve been okay with my new med, Effexor, and now I’m having more and more bad days. I even started self-harming again.
I’m not really good with depression but one thing I do note is what about CBT. So start to break out of the negative thoughts by thinking of the positive. For example think of all the people that love you, think of all the things that you love to do. You mentioned fashion. If you are not doing anything else how about you pour that energy into trying to make new designs for clothing or something. Maybe you love other things but I haven’t heard you really talk about them all too much so I can’t list them.
Identify that maybe you are having some kind of hormonal change in the chemicals in your brain that is making you think that way. So know that these emotions are not really based on anything they are just like false images. It won’t get rid of the feeling to notice that but it should help if but a little.
Also don’t self harm Sunshine I would miss it if the cutest forum member left for some reason.
Anyway that is my two cents I hope that it helps. Most of my problems comes from the hallucinations. Maybe something triggered you? If you can find out what that is avoid that from now on.
I’ve done CBT for the past year. On top of that, I take my own steps too to feel better. I’ve tried playing instruments, drawing, painting, yoga, meditation, self-help books, but I haven’t tried fashion designing. This gives me an idea
Maybe it’s just consistency that I need. I tend to do things and not finish them. I almost forgot about my positive journal…I should get back to that…
Thank you for the reply! Happy Anniversary to you by the way
I get depression badly, just shows up and not a whole lot I can do about it. I’ve always have something to do, but the thought of doing a lot of things, just turns my stomach.
While I do them the thoughts are all negative, Think the best for me would be to just rest and have the stress go away, but that is not possible.
I’ve been okay with my new med, Effexor, and now I’m having more and more bad days. I even started self-harming again.
We’re at the mercy of our meds. You can’t “think” your way out of it. Effexor doesn’t appear to be doing its job at least at the current dose. So change the dose or change the med.
I will talk to my pdoc about this.
I wasn’t being honest with her last week.
It’s just that my father loves to be there in almost every situation and it makes me feel uncomfortable talking about my problems in front of him.
But I have to…I see her somewhere in January. I think I can hold on until then…
my father loves to be there in almost every situation and it makes me feel uncomfortable talking about my problems in front of him.
I don’t blame you for feeling uncomfortable in that situation. Maybe tell the doctor that you’d rather see them on your own, and then let them tell your father. He would probably listen to a doctor saying it.
My depressive thoughts give me insomnia some times. Its just a constant flood of depression and negativity. I take a hot shower when nothing else works
I’m a little surprised that your therapist allows your dad to sit in on your therapy session. It seems like the only time that would be appropriate would be if it was a family therapy session, or if you’re a minor.
No, my father has to be there for the psychiatric visits, not psychotherapy, due to my mishaps with meds. (Overdose, skipping, etc.) Someone has to supervise me now.