I got my 2nd dose today

I am officially fully vaccinated! Got my 2nd dose of Pfizer earlier today. So far my arm is just a little bit sore and I feel tired. I hope I feel okay tomorrow. Who else is fully vaccinated?


Fully vaxxed since March! :slight_smile:


I’ve had both astra zenica. No issues and was pretty easy process just took 3 months to get the second.


me, I’m fully vaccinated. Feels good.


I was vacci-vacci on the first day eligible.


Glad to know others on here are fully vaccinated! Covid can fu-ck off :smile:


Fully vaxxed about a month ago. I got Astrazeneca/Pfizer (Mix and match).

You still have to wait 2 weeks for your immune system to mount a response, so you’re not in the clear just yet.

My Astrazeneca shot had mild chills as a side effect, and my arm was pretty sore for about a week. My Pfizer shot had no side effects and my arm wasn’t that sore, and only for a few days.


I am!


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That’s good to hear man! @anon21849028

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I’m due for my second shot

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Had my 2nd shot on june 26th. Mix of AstraZeneca and moderna. Was way sicker on my 2nd.

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Well done TheCanuk :smiley:

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How long were you feeling bad for after your second dose? @FatMama

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Was fine first 24 hours. Then got a fever etc for about 24 hours. It was short lived but not much fun.

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My mom and dad got Pfizer and they didn’t get sick at all.

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I had my 2nd Pfizer shot on May 4th, the day after my birthday.

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I’ve had my 2 shots. I had AstraZeneca shot. I got mine done months ago though.

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Two doses of the Pfizer for me. I had a “hangover” feeling from the 2nd shot the day after, it only lasted about half the day though.

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Fully vaxxed since April! First shot was middle of March, second shot was April 10th! I had the Moderna.

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I had my second Pfizer shot on May 4th also.
Congratulations @TheCanuk!