I am officially fully vaccinated! Got my 2nd dose of Pfizer earlier today. So far my arm is just a little bit sore and I feel tired. I hope I feel okay tomorrow. Who else is fully vaccinated?
Fully vaxxed since March!
I’ve had both astra zenica. No issues and was pretty easy process just took 3 months to get the second.
me, I’m fully vaccinated. Feels good.
I was vacci-vacci on the first day eligible.
Glad to know others on here are fully vaccinated! Covid can fu-ck off
Fully vaxxed about a month ago. I got Astrazeneca/Pfizer (Mix and match).
You still have to wait 2 weeks for your immune system to mount a response, so you’re not in the clear just yet.
My Astrazeneca shot had mild chills as a side effect, and my arm was pretty sore for about a week. My Pfizer shot had no side effects and my arm wasn’t that sore, and only for a few days.
I am!
That’s good to hear man! @anon21849028
I’m due for my second shot
Had my 2nd shot on june 26th. Mix of AstraZeneca and moderna. Was way sicker on my 2nd.
Well done TheCanuk
How long were you feeling bad for after your second dose? @FatMama
Was fine first 24 hours. Then got a fever etc for about 24 hours. It was short lived but not much fun.
My mom and dad got Pfizer and they didn’t get sick at all.
I had my 2nd Pfizer shot on May 4th, the day after my birthday.
I’ve had my 2 shots. I had AstraZeneca shot. I got mine done months ago though.
Two doses of the Pfizer for me. I had a “hangover” feeling from the 2nd shot the day after, it only lasted about half the day though.
Fully vaxxed since April! First shot was middle of March, second shot was April 10th! I had the Moderna.
I had my second Pfizer shot on May 4th also.
Congratulations @TheCanuk!